
Anna Karenina

Yesterday I went to watch Anna Karenina...an installment that would be impossible to read and finish..honestly...its not the best option but I just knew I had to watch them...at least...

How they capture the movie was interesting because it felt as if you are watching a theater but with a lot of close-up of Jude Law and the heavenly eyes of Aaron Taylor...but the real star of the movie is of course the story of a twisted tragedy that got me thinking ..afterwards..which make it a really good story...

What struck me the most is the idea that, if we have everything that seems perfect....just like what Anna have..would someone actually fight for love and lose everything? it takes a lot of sense of being...courage...to know how loves feel and believing that it is the right feeling..and fight for it while the rest of the world see you as someone stupid...

Love a beautiful feeling that we treasure the most but it comes with the risk of ending up feeling alone, like you are stark naked in the middle of a cold city...when the other person didn't gives a sense of security or even worse when they actually leave...but if we are able to forgive and continue living with what we have... there might be a new beginning..but if not...maybe just like Anna's...it will end a sad tragic story..

And for Karenin despite Anna's infidelity and his anguish towards her...he couldn't deny the feelings in his eyes...and he could only do what most of normal human like us would think..."what did i do wrong to deserve this?"
Being in such helpless situation...would one fight? would one hate? would one be able to forgive...it would have been most typical for Karenin to hate but he forgives instead...Thats also what Anna told Dolly (her sister in law)..forgiveness..it seems like the key to everything...

Still a question remains..is there a reason you love? Then it make me realize we probably don't have any reason to love someone because we just do...the others reason are just reasons...irrespective of how we feel...they might be a thousands of reasons to love someone but you never do..and there are also thousands of reasons not to fall for someone and sometimes you just fell...because it feel right...So those who fall for someone that gives them a sense of security, accepted by their family and fit in the society, are the most lucky ones because the have a higher chance of a happy ending and the one that missed those factors totally, are the one that might be part of a tragic story...so in this situation forgiveness might be the card for a new beginning...but then

“And you know, there's less charm in life when you think about death--but it's more peaceful.” ...

So thanks to Tolstoy...I think excessively about love and life tonight....so maybe the next one would be 'war and peace'....


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